Following up on my guest post on how to get affordable mobile Internet access in Croatia I’d like to expand on how to configure a BonBon SIM card for data access. BonBon is a virtual mobile carrier using the T-Mobile network and offers good coverage throughout Croatia at competitive rates.
However, activating a BonBon prepaid SIM card and booking a data plan on it is a bit complicated since it involves Croatian-only text messages. For those of you not fluent in Croatian, this guide might be helpful.
How to activate a BonBon SIM card?
You need a BonBon SIM card and a prepaid voucher (I recommend an 80 kn voucher: “bon 80”) that can be purchased in various shops and newsstands or ordered from the bonbon website (they ship to Croatian addresses). To order a BonBon SIM card ahead of time before traveling to Croatia there are offers on ebay.
- Send a text message with broj to the number 13977.
- You’ll receive a text message. Reply to it by typing 2.
- You’ll receive another message. Reply to it by typing DA.
- Now you should activate your SIM card by calling someone (preferably a Croatian number).
- Now redeem your voucher. The easiest way to do this: dial
*123* <14 digit Cash-Code> #
then press
- Now to order a data plan, you can either call 097 0700 or use the following instructions to order via text message.
How to order the data option?
- Send a text message with HOCU to 13977
- Reply with 3 to order a data plan
- With the next text message we select the data plan:
- reply 1 for 120 MB valid for 30 days
- reply 2 for 800 MB valid for 30 days
- reply 3 for 2.5 GB valid for 30 days
- reply 4 for 5 GB valid for 30 days
I recommend option 4 with 5 GB for 45 kn.
- Confirm the option by replying with DA:
Now your data option is booked und Internet should work.
By the way: by texting STANJE to 13977 you can check your current data plan usage:
Thanks to Kristijan for helping me with instructions how to book the options. Since it’s all Croatian, it’s not that easy to find out!
Note by Ortwin: My thanks to Arnaud for sharing his experience about Croatian SIM cards. This is part of our ongoing series how to get 3G data access internationally. The original German version of this post appeared first on Arnaud’s blog.
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Thanks for a very helpful site.
I’m having a Bon-Bon SIM card sent to an Italian destination and want to activate it and use it there for data, voice and text messaging.
I’ve been told that I will require a cash-code from a hardcopy voucher that will need to be purchased in Croatia and sent to me.
Can you tell me if the instruction for activating a SIM card in Italy (for data, voice and text) will be substantially different to the above instructions?
The instructions were very helpful for activating the Bonbon simcard and an internet bundle, thank you. Another tip is to translate incoming text messages with google translate
Hi, do you know how to buy load using bon bon simcard online or via internet?
Santosh Kumar ragu
I have active Sim bon bon and 7GB his given now my 7GB ends I wana recharge but I cont go out said city I am seaman can u please help me