Powerlisting GlobalWhere To? now includes worldwide extended place listings with rich details such as

  • pictures,
  • videos,
  • description text,
  • business hours,
  • accepted credit and debit cards,
  • menus,
  • product catalogs,
  • biographies,
  • events, and more

These “PowerListings” are marked with a yellow tag and sometimes include special offers such as rebates and coupon codes.

Where To? + YextPowerListings are provided by our longtime partner Yext. We’re excited that launching today, Yext adds global coverage to allow businesses to build a consistent web presence for every one of their locations — in nearly every country, address format, and native language in the world.

More than 375,000 businesses, including dozens of Fortune 500 companies and top retailers, publish accurate, up-to-date, and rich information about their locations on Where To? via Yext’s network of the most prominent and innovative sites, maps, and apps across the web.

1 Comment

  • Duru

    wrote on December 18, 2015 at 2:11am

    The difference beweetn Yext PowerListings and maintaining your listings yourself is that often it can takes days if not weeks for a directory to update your business’ information. If your business changes its location or contact information it can sometimes be very difficult to get local directories to update your listing. Yext has developed close relationships and technical integrations with many of the largest directories and search engines, which allow us to update locations across the internet in a timely manner. Yext PowerListings also allow customers the exclusive ability to add a Special Offer to their listings. These Special Offers can help a business stand out among the numerous other listings present.

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