? We’re celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Where To? on the App Store!
The App Store first opened its doors 10 years ago, on July 10, 2008. And Where To? was one of the first 500 apps. I remember the excitement when we were finally able to install apps on our iPhones and didn’t have to get away with Steve Jobs’ “sweet solution” relying on more-or-less crappy web apps.
Or does anyone remember how we had to install and license apps on Symbian or Palm-based phones and PDAs before? There was no central store so we had to download from vendor websites and then go through a painful licensing process, sometimes involving premium SMS for payment. The App Store really was a breakthrough for app distribution on mobile phones. It ignited an explosion of available apps covering almost all aspects of daily life.
The last 10 years have been an amazing journey and we’ve a ton of great stuff in the pipeline for you. Here’s to the next ten years!
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Tolle Übersicht 🙂
Schöne Geschichtsstunde 🙂
Bei mit ist Wohin? eine App die ich über die Jahre immer auf meinen iPhones installiert und benutzt habe.
Danke und macht weiter so…
Was mir fehlt Ist eine native iPad App.